
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Spud & Kevin

About mid-way through our morning constitutional (yes we still take two walks a day!), we passed by a house in the midst of construction.  A little boy, my guess to be about nine or ten, was digging around in the rocks and dirt in what used to be a front yard.  He was obviously there with his dad who was working on the house.

As soon as he saw Spud, his face lit up like lights on a Christmas tree.
“I like your dog!”  he shouted.

“Thank you,” I responded.  “His name is Spud."

“SPUD!” he laughed.  “Can I pet him?”

“Sure, if you have permission.”

He flew over to his dad who gave him the green light to meet my Spudster.

“Tell him to sit” I instructed the little boy, as I handed him a treat to give Spud.

Instantly, Spud was sitting and “giving paw” before the boy even had a chance to utter the commands! 

“What is your name?” I asked. 


“Well, Kevin, just hold your palm out flat and Spud will take the treat.”

And Spudster did just that, as gently as a 70 lb. - ADD - solid muscled Boxer is capable of!  If it was possible for Kevin’s smile to get bigger, it did!

“Thanks!” he said, as he gave Spud one last stroke on the head.

“You’re welcome Kevin and Merry Christmas”

“You too”.

Spud and I were a few houses up the street, when I heard Kevin shout, “Bye Spud”.

I turned and waved, knowing I had just experienced a Christmas Blessing.

A joyous, blessed Christmas to you all.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

An Advent Evening Apart

Last week A Morning Apart moved to the evening, as we gathered in community to enter into the season of Advent.  We walked alongside shepherds, kept our eyes focused on the star, listened for angel alleluias and wondered if we had what it took to make this journey.  We heard music, said prayers, sat quietly and then stepped out onto the road to Bethlehem.  A solitary walk, yet done in community, a gift for this season indeed.


Is it all sewn up – my life?
Is it at this point so predictable,
            so orderly,
                        so arranged,
                                    so right,
            that I don’t have time or space
                        for listening for the rustle of angels’ wings
                        or running to stables to see a baby?
Could this be what he meant when he said
            Listen, those who have ears to hear . . .
            Look, those who have eyes to see?
O God, give me the humbleness of those shepherds
            who saw in the cold December darkness
            the Coming of Light
            the Advent of Love!

Kneeling in Bethlehem
Ann Weems