
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Redemption - Playing if Forward

My “God of Divine Opportunities” during  Lent, had something else up His sleeve for Holy Week – REDEMPTION. 

As we entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the cheers and adulation's of the crowd (definitely would be MY kind of parade!), the story slowly started to unravel to the utter abandonment of Good Friday.   All but one disciple deserted Jesus, a fact that had previously escaped me.  The throngs of loving followers turned into an angry mob and there was betrayal by those closest to him.  I’ve heard the story thousands of times, yet this year what rang through loudest was REDEMPTION.

My moments of defeat, disappointments, and failures are actually rather minuscule in the grand scheme of things; but when I’m in the muck and mire, they loom like dark torrents of rain that never seem to end.  And that is just the time a small ray of sun breaks through with a glimmer of hope and offers the possibility of redemption. 

This week I’ve had occasions to share personal redemption stories with women in my small group, my early, early (6AM!!) bible study, and in a front porch rocking chair conversation with a friend.  Only a few of these women have I known for many years and have walked through the valleys and mountain tops of our lives together; while others I am just becoming acquainted with, our journey together only beginning.  However our conversations have shown me it makes no difference; we all have redemption stories and it is in the sharing that God uses us to reach out to others.  Redemption is meant to be played forward.

Watch for your redemption stories.  They come in all shapes and sizes, but they are all around, waiting to be claimed.  Then pass them along; someone needs to hear your story.

Wishing you a Joy-filled, Glorious, Resurrection Sunday! 


Ripples of Grace
  flowing downstream
Baptizing hearts
   hardened by hurt

Nudges of forgiveness
   promising release
Healing transgressions
   mercies undeserved

Showers of light
   illuminating paths
Weary travelers called
   to Resurrection Life

Weaving of love
   God to man
Tapestry of redemption
   death to rebirth

March 28, 2013
Maundy Thursday 



Saturday, March 23, 2013

Divine Opportunities

As the forty days of Lent draw to a close, I look back on this as a season of divine opportunities!  It’s not something I had planned mind you; actually I had nothing planned as a Lenten discipline.  But divine opportunity came knocking and once I opened the door, it was not about to be closed.

I first noticed these opportunities a couple of months ago. In fact I’ve previously written about the pushing of familiar buttons and the old sore spot on my “Achilles Heel”.  But it didn’t stop there!  I’ve had the chance to revisit self-doubts, ‘black & white thinking’ and standing up for what I believe in. 

None of this has been easy; I much prefer the nest of ‘status quo’.  And if I am to leap from its safety, it’s to be a short hop, propelled by a gentle breeze.  But how am I to learn about fresh beginnings, compromise, forgiveness, acceptance and courage, if God doesn’t yank me out of the nest, sometimes into a forceful wind and say, “Fly, Carol – the possibilities are endless!”

I have a hunch the conclusion of Lent will not be the end of God’s divine opportunities; quite possibly He’s just getting started.  I’m holding on to my hat!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Big and The Small

Readily spotted
in the grandeur . . .

the mountains of Zion
arching rainbows
desert vistas
a bonsai forest

Easily recognized
in the majestic . . .

a Grand Canyon sunset
an ocean sunrise
stillness of a starlit night
yellow butterflies

Abundantly clear
in the miracles. . .

a baby's birth
illness healed
relationships  restored
transgressions forgiven

Yet . . .

The Presence is there

in  missed opportunities
a change of plans
unexpected failures
little disappointments

Evidence abounds

in a morning walk
the voice of a friend
a familiar melody
buds popping on a vine

He is in it all
The big and the small

Monday, March 4, 2013


Sweet perfection
cradled in my arms

An extension of others
uniquely his own

Barely arrived
melting my heart

This sweet perfection 
cradled in my  arms