
Tuesday, February 7, 2012


You know the story – the disciples are in the boat with Jesus, who is sound asleep as a great storm rages around them.  They woke Jesus and asked “Hey, don’t you even care we are about to capsize here?”  At which time Jesus told the sea to be still and asked the disciples why they were afraid and still had no faith?
WOW!  At least I’m in good company, because I would have reacted exactly as the disciples.  Except that when the wind ceased and there was a dead calm, I most likely would have started to worry about our boat  getting stuck in the middle of the lake because there was now no wind to move it along!

More and more I’m noticing what a major player fear is in my life.  Not just the bigger issues, like every time I develop a symptom with an unknown origin, I’m sure I’ve developed a life-threatening illness; but those less momentous events, like adopting a big old boy like Spud or entertaining the idea of starting a Blog!

I must admit I go to fear much more quickly than I do trust.    The reality is life is unpredictable much of the time and I’m not too keen on that, because I have no control; which of course takes me to a place of fear.

Interestingly enough, the first synonym for ‘faith’ in the Thesaurus is ‘trust’!

Which brings me back to where I started:  Fear or Faith?  I guess I’m a work in progress!

1 comment:

  1. So, it took me a while to jump out of the comfort zone to do something I felt lead to do. The question kept coming to me would I have faith or fear? Well, I had both but decided to leap anyway!! It was an amazing experience and I knew the Holy Spirit was with me right in the moment. The response was more than I could have ever asked for. Yet I am reminded the response may not always be favorable when taking the leap and the question will be... Faith or Fear once again. I pray I continue to choose FAITH.
