
Monday, March 19, 2012


Walking the Labyrinth

“OK, I hear you, I get it, at least for right now.  But remind me again tomorrow!”

Those were my final sentences in last week’s posting on waiting and community.  Much to my surprise, God chose to remind me while walking the labyrinth at our Morning Apart.

Now let me say right up front, I’m not all that keen on a labyrinth!  We’ve had one at several Mornings Apart, yet I have only attempted the journey around the circles on one other occasion.  Even then, I’m not so sure I actually finished the walk.  I made it to the center and began my return when I just gave up and walked out, not caring at all that I wasn’t following the prescribed route!  I think it might have something to do with “trust issues”!   You couldn’t convince me those curved paths would lead to freedom!  I also was under the false assumption that one road led to the center and a completely separate one meandered its way out.  I was not prepared to meet a fellow traveler on the same path walking in the opposite direction. 

So on our stormy Saturday morning, I said “What the heck, I’ll give it another try.  Can’t go for a walk or sit outside in the rain!”  I envision Jesus smiling, shaking his head, and saying “Alright, now I can shower a few reminders her way, like she asked me to do!” (Do you ever dialogue with Jesus like that, or am I crazy here?!  Perhaps for a later posting!!)    

Anyway, with each turn of the path, I began to understand that while on my solitary walk, I was not alone, but in community.  On two occasions, I met other travelers trekking out as I was heading in.  The first time I accused the person of doing it all wrong – I mean really, how could she NOT know how to walk a labyrinth properly!  We got the giggles over the whole situation. Even though we were breaking the silence of the morning and contemplative had flown out the window, it was a cherished glimpse of community!  The second encounter was with a friend who stopped to give me a hug and whisper words of strength and encouragement.   Another hushed moment where God’s voice came through loud and clear “You are in community.”  I experienced walking parallel with someone who is a new acquaintance in my life, as well as watching a familiar face make their way around the circle, but never coming in close proximity with each other.  Community, in the sweet simple times, as well as the waiting times.  

I learned the labyrinth is truly a metaphor for my journey.  The twists and turns, the long smooth roads, making it to a goal and then quickly seeking a new one.  Walking alone, along side, opposite or in unison, with laughter, joy, empathy and love. 

What a profound reminder I was given on a blustery Saturday morning!

 P.S.  I taught Pre-K in this classroom almost 30 years ago.  Life coming full circle - literally!

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