
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thorns, Birthdays, and Honesty

OK, I’m a little sick of having the “thorn thing” in common with Paul!  You know how he prayed and prayed to have the thorn removed from his side and for reasons we were never privileged to hear  (nor do I think was Paul), they continued to haunt him.

Well, that’s my life right now.  The THORN IS BACK, only at a slightly different angle and perhaps not as big as it has felt in the past.   Yet it continues to fester, using my emotional reserves to dig deep into my bag of ‘coping skills’.  One of my biggest problems is the injustice of it all!  AGAIN!  I mean AGAIN Lord!  This is downright unfair, Lord.  WHY?

If it sounds like I’m whining, I guess I am – maybe not such a good coping strategy!  But there you have it!

Yesterday was my birthday.  I had a wonderful lunch with my husband, son, and daughter-in-law, received lovely cards, phone calls, e-mails and texts (yes, times they are a changing!) – I knew I was dearly loved and celebrated.  But you can probably guess where I am going with this – the THORN trumped everything else.  As hard as I tried to ignore it and dab it with a bit of healing ointment, it was just not to be – even on my birthday.  So by the end of the day, along with the festering thorn, I was beating myself up pretty badly for not being able to rise above it all!

Later in the evening, two friends phoned to ask about my day and I decided to give an honest response.  I told them I blew it!  I gave my power to a thorn instead of celebrating my life and all the wonderful, caring, loving friends and family with whom I am blessed.  As I spoke, I literally felt my body start to relax.  I began to have compassion for ME, as my friends enfolded me with their love and compassion!  Yes, this is another rough patch, but it needn’t define who I am – or my birthday!

My very dear friend, who is on vacation this week, lovingly ‘listened’ via email (because she too asked and pretending just doesn’t work between us – even if we are out of town!!!)   I will close with her thoughts:  “So try not to let the thorn have the day AFTER your birthday too.  Happy Day After Your Birthday!”

Today’s a new day; I hope to celebrate newfound freedom from the THORN. I must remember "One day at a time" - or - "One hour at a time", whichever works best!!  However today turns out,   I know I'm being held in love and prayers - and that is cause to give thanks!

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