
Saturday, January 21, 2012


Many of you who will be reading my ponderings, participate in our Mornings Apart at St. George’s.  So I think it would be interesting to have a “Between Saturdays” post, where we can hear from one another about what resonated or what questions came from our time in community.  If you are receiving this as an e-mail, click on  “Seeds of Faith”, written in blue at the end of this post to get to my home page, where you can enter a comment.

Every month we start with a welcome that asks folks to set aside any preconceived agendas or expectations about what will happen during the Morning Apart.  We say, just let the morning flow and see where God takes you.  Well, I must confess to doing exactly the opposite today!

“Wakeful Tranquility” was the theme, as our priest, Amy Pringle, shared her passion for tea and how it has been incorporated into her spiritual life.  It was obviously a wonderful experience.  The enthusiasm for sampling tea, finding a favorite, and then quietly reading with a warm mug in hand, permeated the morning.

Yet try as I might, tranquility evaded me. I wanted to find peace sipping a cup of tea, but it was not to be.  Still, God found me, just not as I had envisioned.  Maybe next time I’ll heed my own words and leave my preconceived expectations at the door!

I awake
to anxious thoughts.
A fitful sleep
unwanted images.

Where are you God?
Why this?. . .again!
I wanted
peace today.

I busy myself
searching for calm.
I listen for words
to quiet the voices.

Nothing fits.
Nothing works.

Until. . .
I sit by
the Bonsai.
Delicate branches
whisper to me
of the gentle soul
that tends
its growth.

A ceramic deer
resting in the moss
past my layers
into my heart.

Oh, you ARE here God!
I almost forgot
to look
at the familiar
for a glimpse
of the extraordinary.

January 21, 2012


  1. The deer was the smallest of images in the room yet the most scared of all for me. The gentleness of such a creature resting by the stream under the trees transcends me to a state of tranquility only shared with God.

    1. I was inspired by the words, "Behold the face of God" during the lectio. As I sat with a cup of hot tea pondering the story Amy shared, I thought that taking time to linger with warm tea and to separate from all the duties of the day can allow for time to seek the beholding of the face of God. I am not quite sure what that completely means, but I suspect it is a way of being in a very holy moment of personal encounter.
