
Monday, March 12, 2012

Waiting, Community, and Elephant Seals

My friend and I spent a beautiful weekend in Cambria.  It was our private “Silent Retreat”, with talking allowed!  The drive up was spectacular, as was the view of the ocean from our patio on Moonstone Beach.  Paradise at hand, no need for stressful thoughts and yet they crept into my mind as those familiar thieves who enjoy stealing my peace! 

The situation that has been plaguing me for over two years began its stranglehold on my outlook.  I tried to put on a happy face, as I didn’t want to spoil the weekend for my friend, which of course didn’t work (never does!)

Then I read the following in one of my daily meditation books:

“Sometimes we face circumstances that are unlikely to change rapidly, such as a long season of grief or a physical disability.  If we pray only for circumstances to change, we can grow discouraged or frustrated as we wait.  Instead of focusing your prayers exclusively on circumstances, ask God for the fellowship that strengthens faith.”

A light bulb came on!  Community!  Here I was in a community with one other person at that very moment.   All I needed to do was invite her to walk with me in my waiting.  Her faith would give me strength when my own needed replenishing. 

I began thinking of all the other places where I can wait in community with fellow believers.  My church, Mornings Apart, small group, bible study, dear trusted friends and my family.   And I’ve come to realize the details aren’t all that important.  We’ve all had periods of waiting, times of focusing on the outcome rather than handing it over to God.   What is important is to step out of isolation. There is strength in numbers – waiting together – being surrounded by faith.

Our weekend included taking a drive up the coast to see the Elephant Seals.  There they were, one great big community!   As they waited to begin their journey of migration, they huddled together to survive the elements. 

As I looked out at that vast sea of  mammals lying in the sand, I chuckled at God!  
“OK, I hear you, I get it, at least for right now.  But remind me again tomorrow!”

1 comment:

  1. "fellowship that strengthens faith"--I love this description of spiritual community! Thank you for creating sacred space where so many of us experience this with you! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
