
Monday, September 10, 2012

Full Circle

Have you ever had the experience of life coming ‘full circle’?    You know, those times when you realize you’ve been in this place before, but now you’re coming at it from the other direction.  I had one of those this weekend.

Fourteen years ago it seemed as though my life was falling apart.  I was in the midst of two major crises and feeling pretty hopeless.  I had just started attending a Presbyterian Church, which had a Stephen Ministry program.  This amazing group of people volunteer to walk alongside a person who needs a companion while maneuvering through a rough patch in life.  They don’t give advice, it’s not psychotherapy; it’s just great big doses of TLC when you need it most!  I was fortunate enough to be a recipient of the care given by an incredible Stephen Minister.  Not only did she walk me through my crises, but we formed a spiritual friendship that continues to thrive to this day.

So here I am all these years later and I was asked to facilitate a retreat, which would commence their new year of ministry.  As I began the morning with a brief introduction of myself and why Stephen Ministers had been such a pivotal part of my life, I was struck by the ‘full circleness’ of it all!  (I don’t think ‘circleness’ is a word, but it just seems to fit!).  God was allowing me the opportunity to give back in some small measure, that which had been so freely given to me all those years ago. 

I’d like to say, instead of being on the receiving end, I was on the giving end.  But this full circle thing doesn’t exactly work like that, does it?  Because you see as I sat in the retreat Saturday morning, I was once again receiving.  I was filled with gratitude for this ministry and for a God who is so faithful.  He has never given up on me, even when time after time I have doubted myself.  A full circle blessing, indeed!

So, back to the beginning, have you ever had the experience of life coming ‘full circle’?    I bet you have.  It’s pretty awesome isn’t it?

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